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Through Theory of Next, we explore the ideas shaping the future. 


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AI: Humanity's Miracle Machine, Part II

In the second installment of our multi-part series we dive deeper into the different layers of AI value stack and how future founders can find their cutting edge in this rapidly evolving ecosystem.


AI: Humanity’s Miracle Machine, Part I

In this multi-part series, we explore everything from the origins and evolution of AI to the future AI landscape and how future founders can be a part of it.


How To Find Problem Solution Fit For Your First Product

Finding the Problem-Solution Fit for your first product is not easy. You have no bearing on the right customer problem, no paying customers, and close to zero customer input while building the product. Unsurprisingly,


Theory of Next by Antler India | Episode 04—The Next Era for Space Tech

India’s space tech industry is witnessing a paradigm shift driven by a factor common to most tech disruptions: a dramatic fall in cost. How will the confluence of multiple trends define the next era for space tech in India?


Mental Healthcare is in need of disruption. Can tech startups keep India sane?

It is always great to see more and more people willing to address mental health issues. Yet, as the conversation around mental health slowly expands, it also exposes the reality of crumbling support structures, lowered resilience levels,


Theory of Next by Antler India | Episode 03—Mental Wellness Tech

Theory of Next is a series by Antler India that decodes and contextualizes the spaces and ideas of the future. Using first-principles approach, it provides a window into the process by which a venture capital firm arrives at a particular sectoral thesis.